- Objective O1: Enhance the EOSC Exchange services by delivering a set of cloud-based trusted environments for the analysis of sensitive data in the EOSC demonstrating the feasibility of the FAIR principles over them
- Objective O2: Study, explore and demonstrate the feasibility of FAIR management and processing of sensitive data, showcasing the benefits for society, science and research
- Objective O3: Deliver tools for the secure anonymization or pseudonymisation of datasets, allowing rightholders to safely release sensitive data through the EOSC Exchange
- Objective O4: Provide rightholders and other relevant stakeholders with best practices and methodologies for the release of sensitive data following FAIR principles, including design principles for compute infrastructures allowing access to them, exploring the feasibility of FAIR data workflows over sensitive data
- Objective O5: Extend the service offer and the capabilities being offered through the EOSC portal, coordinating with the operational and management activities carried out by the EOSC partnership and related projects